SCARS - Everything You Are

Solo exhibition at Gallery Ether - Tokyo (JP)

9th July - 30th July 2021

Today’s world is filled with perfection. Social media set the standard for over the top existences and the social-economic system which drives the world does not allow time and space for errors. For this reason, we increasingly mystify our lives, by cautiously hiding every potential downfall we may stumble upon, pretending that everything is perfect while we know it’s not, and blinding ourselves to not realize what are the unwilled (but true) feelings we experience. The exhibition investigates such hidden sides of our lives. Starting from a personal self-assessment of the artist, it can be extended to a more general interpretation of nowadays societies, especially whose social composition tends to amplify the magnitude of such dark face. The invitation for the spectator is then to let rise to the surface all the faults, regrets and other feelings that we are not supposed to be proud of. Taking inspiration from the art of kintsugi, mistakes and regrets we carry from the past can be leveraged into our strength. Going out of the comfort zone and being true to ourselves is nothing else than an opportunity to grow. It will be mind blowing to discover how similar we all are and how the scars we secretly keep inside are more common than ever around us.

Sante Visioni - SCARS - Opening Recap from Sante Visioni on Vimeo.